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NEWS > Festive Essentials: Capture Extraordinary Moments With These Timeless Cameras Now!

Happy Holidays!

Scroll down for more holiday fun



Photo: @theimpossibleproject

Christmas is just around the corner!

We'd like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for accompanying us through another analog year.

Make {Holidays} Extraordinary!

Now is the time for you to celebrate and express your love. Prepare a warm surprise for the special someone and make them wake up with a smile.


Photo: @gems_polaroids, @notches & @Itpaperhouse


Make {Family Days} Extraordinary!

To make the most of this precious time, shooting with an instant camera is perfect for the family.


Photo: @thephotogiver, @afeylm & Brad Hammond

Capture memories: Smiling with Santa, a baby giggling to a Christmas song, kids sitting next to a Christmas tree. Waiting for the new year countdown.

InstantFlex TL70

Make {Every Day} Extraordinary!

It's a good time to search for the most nicely decorated house in the neighborhood, the tallest Christmas tree, the best-dressed Christmas couple, or the happiest snowman...

... and capture it all through the lens!


Photo: @myinstantimages, @dont_call_me_kevin, @nickyfamous & @jana_obscura

InstantKon RF70


Expedited shipping

Free upgrade to FedEx for camera orders. Expect it to arrive in 3-5 business days. Place an order now to receive it in time for the holidays. ­ ­

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Introducing the All-New SX-70 Repair Service


Festive Essentials: Capture Extraordinary Moments With These Timeless Cameras Now!


The Best Camera Companion of All Time